An Ordnance Serial Number is the serial number assigned to apiece of ordnance, such as a rifle or artillery, etc. arms development firm founded by retired Colonel John T. Shooting the Auto Ordnance WWII Parkerized is like stepping back in time. Army Serial Number 2362 (1912 Production) Colt. Perkins (1912 Production) Colt Model of 1911 U.S. with the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 55 was made in the year 1930.Winchester model 55 rifles had there own serial numbers,and also were serial numbered in the model 1894 rifles serial numbers.Yours is the later which was serial numbered in the model 1894 serial number range.Yours was one of only 1,535 model 55 rifles made in 1930. For Tom only: These two are presentation or commemorative guns 5) Mauser model 1898, broom handle 9mm sn #836092 6) Auto ordnance mod 1911A1. The Auto Ordnance 1911A1 test sample did as good as any 1911 I have ever shot. It wouldn’t be an ho… I bought a Auto ordnance 1927A1 semi auto, the books don't talk about it, I looked on gun broker to get a good feel on different charging handles, rear sights ect.
(Pre Kahr I understand because of the AOC preceding the serial #).
Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Numrich bought out all of Auto Ordnance when it went out of bushiness (yet again) back in the late 70s. Others are numbered such as 1 through 4 so that if one falls out of the blanket you will know and can look for it.